FDIC Presentation By David Tollen


David Tollen was honored to recently present an AI and Contracting training session for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

The FDIC is an essential part of the American financial system. Congress created the FDIC 90 years ago to maintain stability and public confidence in the nation’s financial system; insure deposits; examine and supervise financial institutions for safety, soundness, and consumer protection; make large and complex financial institutions resolvable; and manage receiverships.  

Interested in engaging David to train your team? We offer a variety of in-house training options. Contact [email protected] for more information.

David founded Tech Contracts Academy, a professional training company, to bring confidence and expertise to professionals responsible for technology contracts. In addition to in-house training, Tech Contracts Academy offers public trainings (webinars, Tech Contracts Master Classes™, and our new offering – Tech Contracts Academy On-Demand) to help keep your IT contracting skills sharp. Our next Master Class series begins November 7, and our next webinar is on November 16. Our website also offers free resources including topical articles and sample contract language

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