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Notices: If your relationship with us is subject to California Business & Professions Code Section 17538, see our company information set forth above, know that you may request that our company name and address (as above) be e-mailed to you by reaching out to [email protected], and see your program registration materials or contact us at [email protected] for applicable refund policy(ies). If California’s Electronic Commerce Act of 1984 (California Civ. Code Section 1789) may apply to your relationship with us, know that complaints or requests for further information may be directed to us via the contact information set forth above. And, the Consumer Information Center of California’s Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted at www.dca.ca.gov, 800/952-5210, or 1625 North Market Boulevard, Ste. N112, Sacramento, CA, 95834. We strive to keep our website and other offerings reasonably accessible to persons with disabilities.
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