Training for Your Team

Training for your entire team: procurement, contract managers, and lawyers

Enterprise IT and software contracts are unusually complex. Training from Tech Contracts Academy® gives you real-world skills and knowledge to master them – and keeps you up to speed as the industry evolves. From our comprehensive Tech Contracts Master Class™ to our shorter one-hour programs, we offer a suite of courses for professionals, including customized programs and volume discounts for enterprise teams.

We’ve trained enterprise customers like Ericsson, Orrick, the Mayo Clinic, the FDIC, Johns Hopkins, the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC Mountain West), Navy Federal, Splunk, Continental Tire, a top 5 tech company, and many more

92% of our trainees said they would recommend our programs

We cover all the key terms in IT/software contracts, and we specialize only in those contracts

Your team learns from David W. Tollen, author of the ABA’s bestseller, The Tech Contracts Handbook, UC Berkeley Law School instructor, attorney, expert witness, and specialist at making complex topics simple, fun, and user-friendly

More than 2/3 of in-house legal professionals said they manage a high volume of contracts, and 43% said contracts-related tasks represent at least half their daily work.1 At the same time, nearly 1/3 of workers feel underqualified, and 45% say their work doesn’t provide enough skill development.2

Training on IT contracts offers the answer. It gives you and your team:

Enterprise Packages

For corporations, government, academia, and nonprofits

Our courses are delivered on-demand (video recordings) and via public webinars – and for enterprise teams, via live private sessions: video conference or in person.
Volume discounts are available with Enterprise Packages.

À la Carte

All Access

Enterprise Packages

Each trainee chooses 1 or more of our on-demand courses or live webinars

Each trainee gets our whole library of on-demand courses and live webinars, including new programs released regularly

Text Resources

Also Available

Enterprise Packages

À la Carte

Our courses are delivered on-demand (recorded), via webinar, and/or live (via video-conference or in person). Enterprise packages all come with volume discounts or volume discounts available.

All Access

Each trainee gets our whole library of on-demand courses and live webinars, including quarterly (roughly) new programs.

Text Resources

Also Available

Your team’s learning is immediately actionable. Trainings link directly to our sample clause library (freely available at, so your team can grab and apply the language they’ve just learned.

We provide new, user-friendly courses and updates on a regular basis, particularly short programs your team can absorb in an hour or two.

Training for contract managers, lawyers, procurement staff, and other businesspeople: the knowledge and confidence to get software deals done faster, at lower cost, and with less risk.