Looking to boost your tech contracting skills in 2024? Tech Contracts Academy has upcoming live classes – a Master Class series (currently in progress, recordings available) and topical webinars of our most popular subjects – all enhanced with content about AI contracts. And, if you’d rather study at your own pace our new on-demand library is for you.
Recordings are available for a limited time to registrants of our live classes (upon request) – 30 days following the live Master Classes, and two weeks following the live webinars.
- Prime Clauses: License, Subscription, IP Transfer, Payment. (Missed it live? Recording available through Feb. 12)
- General Clauses: Data Management, SLAs, Confidentiality, and other General Clauses. (Jan. 17)
- Key Liability Terms: Including Indemnities, Warranties, and Limits of Liability (Jan. 24)
- End-Game and Special Clauses: Disputes, Termination, Special Terms, and OSS (Jan. 31)
- Artificial Intelligence Contracts: Drafting and Negotiating (February 13)
- Top 7 Worries for Customers in Contracts about Software, AI, and other IT (March 12)
- The Indeminar: Indemnities Contracts about Software, the Cloud, and AI (April 16)
- IP Terms in Contracts about AI, the Cloud, and On-Premise Software: Licenses, Warranties, Open Source, and More (May 21)
Tech Contracts Academy’s On-Demand library is our newest offering. Just like our live programs, our On-Demand programs train you to draft and negotiate technology contracts – better, faster, with more confidence. And they do more – serving as a video reference guide you can use over and over – a full year’s access.
Broken into clause or topic-based segments, you can easily find your answers. Multiple On-Demand programs are available now, on topics ranging from contracts for AI, to cloud services contracts’ common mistakes, to key liability terms, to indemnities – with more coming soon.
With on demand courses, you can watch at your own pace, on your schedule.

Please follow us on LinkedIn, and be among the first to know about our programs, including free LinkedIn Live conversations.
CLE. Tech Contracts Master Classes™ and Tech Contracts Academy’s webinars are approved for Continuing Legal Education credit in California. Licensed elsewhere? Jurisdictions (and professions) differ as to whether students may apply individually for continuing education credit, and what is required. Materials we make available for Tech Contracts Academy’s programs (e.g., slides, presenter’s biography) may assist students’ self-submission efforts. Check here for more details about CLE.
Discounts: See program registration pages for information about group discounts (teams of five or more from same company, for same Tech Contracts Academy program: 10% off a full live Master Class series; 15% off any live webinar; inapplicable to Tech Contracts Academy On-Demand). Contact [email protected] for more information, and to obtain a discount code prior to enrolling. (Only one discount code/coupon per program may be used.)
Our presenter. David Tollen founded Tech Contracts Academy® LLC. An attorney, instructor at U.C. Berkeley Law School, and expert witness, he authored the American Bar Association’s perennial bestseller, The Tech Contracts Handbook (ABA Publishing; 3rd ed. 2021). It is available from Amazon here, and other retailers.
Tech Contracts Academy® is a professional training company, created to bring confidence and expertise to professionals responsible for technology contracts. It provides public and in-house training on drafting and negotiating IT agreements. Contact us here or email [email protected] for more information about training for just your team.
Our programs provide general education, not legal advice. This communication is not, and our programs are not, advertising to provide legal services.