Don’t miss your chance to enroll in our FINAL live Tech Contracts Master Class™ Series of 2023.
Join David Tollen for an in-depth, user-friendly review of essential terms typically found in contracts about cloud computing, artificial intelligence (“AI”), and other software (including Software as a Service (“SaaS”)), and related professional services – with Q&A. These popular classes – two hours each – benefit lawyers and businesspeople engaged in contracts involving technology.
The four-class series runs Tuesdays from November 7 – December 5 (no class the week of Thanksgiving). But we realize schedules are full and time zones vary – recordings are available afterward (on request, for a 30 day period).
And on November 16 we offer a new webinar all about AI and its impact on the legal and contracting professions.
We hope you will join us.
Nov.-Dec. Tech Contracts Master Class Series
Taken together, in just eight hours our four Tech Contracts Master Classes will prepare you to negotiate contracts involving technology more efficiently, with more confidence. And they’ll help you avoid the many pitfalls in these agreements. Join David Tollen to explore key tech contracting topics live – clause by clause (schedule below).
Most students choose to take all four classes (with automatic series discount). But classes are also available individually. (There’s also a 10% series discount available to company teams of 5 or more). And enrollment includes a discount on David’s best-seller, The Tech Contracts Handbook.
Prime Clauses: License, Subscription, IP Transfer, Payment (Nov. 7)
General Clauses: Data Management, SLAs, Confidentiality, and other General Clauses (Nov. 14)
Key Liability Terms: Including Indemnities, Warranties, and Limits of Liability (Nov. 28)
End-Game & Special Clauses: Disputes, Termination, Special Terms, and OSS (Dec. 5)
For more details about the curriculum, click here. For more information about the series, and to register, please click button below.
Don’t wait to enroll – the first class in this series is Tuesday, November 7.

November 16 Webinar – AI in the Legal and Contracting Professions: Today and Tomorrow
In this live, one hour webinar, David Tollen will do something unusual: Assess AI by looking into the past – into the history of technology. We’ll try to assess what our jobs may look like in 5 and 10 years … and further into the future.
Topics covered include:
- How past technology change has destroyed and created jobs and what it says about our future
- Current AI tools on the market
- The strengths and limits or AI in the legal world
- Changes in the legal industry working alongside AI: lawyers’ monopoly (UPL), open source contracts, etc.
- And more …

Other upcoming live webinars:
- Artificial Intelligence Contracts: Drafting and Negotiating (February 13, 2024)
- Top 7 Worries for Customers in Contracts about Software, AI, and other IT (March 12, 2024)
- The Indeminar: Indemnities Contracts about Software, the Cloud, and AI (April 16, 2024)
- IP Terms in Contracts about AI, the Cloud, and On-Premise Software: Licenses, Warranties, Open Source, and More (May 21, 2024)

Please follow us on LinkedIn, and be among the first to know about our programs, including free LinkedIn Live conversations.
CLE. Tech Contracts Master Classes™ and Tech Contracts Academy’s webinars are approved for Continuing Legal Education credit in California. Licensed elsewhere? Jurisdictions (and professions) differ as to whether students may apply individually for continuing education credit, and what is required. Materials we make available for Tech Contracts Academy’s programs (e.g., slides, presenter’s biography) may assist students’ self-submission efforts. Check here for more details about CLE.
Discounts: See program registration pages for information about group discounts (teams of five or more from same company, for same Tech Contracts Academy program: 10% off a full live Master Class series; 15% off any live webinar; inapplicable to Tech Contracts Academy On-Demand). And, for a limited time, a 10% discount is also available for individuals – after enrolling in one live webinar at full price (starting with our July 2023 webinar), returning students may request a 10% discount code to use when enrolling in subsequent live webinars through the end of 2023. Contact [email protected] for more information, and to obtain a discount code prior to enrolling. (Only one discount code/coupon per program may be used. Individual discount does not apply to Master Classes, or to Tech Contracts Academy On-Demand).
Our presenter. David Tollen founded Tech Contracts Academy® LLC. An attorney, instructor at U.C. Berkeley Law School, and expert witness, he authored the American Bar Association’s perennial bestseller, The Tech Contracts Handbook (ABA Publishing; 3rd ed. 2021). It is available from Amazon here, and other retailers.
Tech Contracts Academy® is a professional training company, created to bring confidence and expertise to professionals responsible for technology contracts. It provides public and in-house training on drafting and negotiating IT agreements. Contact us here or email [email protected] for more information about training for just your team.
Our programs provide general education, not legal advice. This communication is not, and our programs are not, advertising to provide legal services.