Register Now: September Master Class Series with NEW AI Content

September is the time to build your contracting expertise – and your team’s.

Join David Tollen for an in-depth, user-friendly review of terms typically found in contracts about software, artificial intelligence (“AI”), Software as a Service (“SaaS”), other cloud services, and professional services. Our upcoming Tech Contracts Master Class Series runs once weekly, Thursdays from Sept. 7-28. These four classes benefit lawyers and businesspeople engaged in contracts involving technology.

Conveniently available via distance learning (with recordings available afterward on request, for a limited time), each class is two hours, and includes Q&A. (Can’t make the September series? Another runs in November/December).

Given the surge in interest (and worry) about AI, we’ve integrated discussion (and sample clauses) about contracts for AI into the Master Classes. AI is software, so it raises many of the same issues as typical software agreements. But, certain forms of AI raise unique issues: IP rights in outputs, training data, and prompts; liability for errors (“hallucinations”), infringement, and misuse of private information, among others. Join David Tollen as we explore those – and many other issues about contracts involving technology – in our upcoming Master Class Series.

We hope to see you soon.

Prime Clauses, Class #1 – September 7

Taken together, our four Tech Contracts Master Classes will prepare you to negotiate contracts about software, cloud services, and professional services more confidently and efficiently, and help you avoid common pitfalls. And, we’ve added  content about contracts for the purchase or sale of AI. 

Join David Tollen to explore key tech contracting topics and clauses.

Most students take all four classes (with an automatic series discount). (There’s also a 10% series discount available to company teams of 5 or more). But classes are available individually. 

Prime Clauses (Sept. 7): Introduction to contracts about software, AI, cloud computing, other forms of IT. A contract’s central promise and transaction – The promise of cloud services; license to on-premise software; promise of professional services. Frequently, contracts have a combination. And … the promise to pay. 

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Classes #2, #3, and #4 (Sept. 14, 21, 28)

Classes 2-4 in our September series will be on September 14, 21, and 28. (For best value, we recommend taking the full series, though classes are also available for individual purchase).

General Clauses (Sept. 14): Commercial clauses (such as technical specifications, SLAs, business continuity and disaster recovery, non-disclosure) and data clauses (including location, security, incidents, privacy, audits). 

Key Liability Terms (Sept. 21): Warranties, indemnities, limits of liability, provider liability for 3rd parties, and liquidated damages.  

End-Game & Special Clauses (Sept. 28): Term & termination; transition and deconversion of AI and cloud data; non-solicits and noncompetes; dispute management, mediation, arbitration, waiver of class actions, jury trials; ancillary IP terms; assignment, change of control, divestiture; choice of law and courts; order of precedence; amendment; open source software.

Image of Master Class sign up button

Please follow us on LinkedIn, and be among the first to know about our programs, including free LinkedIn Live conversations.

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CLE. Tech Contracts Master Classes™ and Tech Contracts Academy’s webinars are approved for Continuing Legal Education credit in California. Licensed elsewhere? Jurisdictions (and professions) differ as to whether students may apply individually for continuing education credit, and what is required. Materials we make available for Tech Contracts Academy’s programs (e.g., slides, presenter’s biography) may assist students’ self-submission efforts. Check here for more details about CLE. 

Discounts: See program registration pages for information about group discounts (teams of five or more from same company, for same program: 10% off a full Master Class series; 15% off any webinar). And, NEW: For a limited time, a 10% discount is also available for individuals – after enrolling in one webinar at full price (starting with our July 2023 webinar), returning students may request a 10% discount code to use when enrolling in subsequent webinars through the end of 2023. Contact [email protected] for more information, and to obtain a discount code prior to enrolling. (Only one discount code per program may be used. Individual discount does not apply to Master Classes).

Our presenter. David Tollen founded Tech Contracts Academy® LLCAn attorney, instructor at U.C. Berkeley Law School, and expert witness, he authored the American Bar Association’s perennial bestseller, The Tech Contracts Handbook (ABA Publishing; 3rd ed. 2021). It is available from Amazon here, and other retailers.

Tech Contracts Academy® is a professional training company, created to bring confidence and expertise to professionals responsible for technology contracts. It provides public and in-house training on drafting and negotiating IT agreements. Contact us here or email [email protected] for more information about training for just your team.

Our programs provide general education, not legal advice. This communication is not, and our programs are not, advertising to provide legal services. Only one discount code may be used per registration.

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