David Tollen’s Live Webinars About Technology Contracting – April 16, May 21

Join Tech Contracts Academy’s two remaining live webinars this spring: Our trainings help attorneys and businesspeople build – and keep current – their tech contracting skills. All taught by David Tollen – author of the American Bar Association best-seller, The Tech Contracts Handbook. Each webinar includes live Q&A, a copy of the slides, certificates (including 1 hour CA CLE), and recording access (upon request, for a limited time).
  • The Indeminar: Topics include: The difference between “first party” and “third party” indemnities. Important vocabulary, like “hold harmless,” and “mutual” indemnities. Intellectual property (IP) indemnities, including troubling issues related to IP in AI contracts. Data incident indemnities. Advanced indemnities: The “Cause Problem” – thorny issues involving losses the indemnitor caused. Interplay with limits of liability.
  • IP Terms: Intellectual property terms play a central role in licenses to on-premise software – and a much-misunderstood role in contracts about SaaS and other forms of cloud computing. We will debunk myths and explore old and new issues, including those related to generative AI and other AI deals. Topics include: Typical software copyright license. The role of patents. Licensing (or lack thereof) in SaaS/cloud. IP indemnities. IP warranties and other remedies. IP in prompts, training data, outputs – and other troubles generated by AI. Open source software.
CLE. Tech Contracts Academy’s webinars are approved for Continuing Legal Education credit in California. (See our website’s Training page for more details about CLE). Tech Contracts Academy® is a professional training company, created to bring confidence and expertise to professionals responsible for technology contracts. It provides public and in-house training on drafting and negotiating IT agreements. E-mail [email protected] for more information about training for just your team. Our programs provide general education, not legal advice. This communication is not, and our programs are not, advertising to provide legal services.


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