LAST CHANCE To REGISTER: March 12 Webinar – Top 7 Customer Worries in Tech Contracts

What key concerns do customers have in their technology contracts, including for AI? Why should vendors care? Join us on Tuesday, March 12th for a one hour live webinar and find out. David Tollen’s insights are valuable for customers and vendors, and those representing them. Don’t wait to register. This program suits not just customers, but those on the vendor side – to help understand  customers’ contract terms and negotiating positions. 

Register now to catch it live, and have the opportunity to participate in Q&A. But – scheduling conflict, inconvenient time zone? Still a program for you – a recording will be available for a limited time following the live program.

Top 7 Worries for Customers in Contracts about Software, AI, and Other IT   (March 12, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Pacific Time, 1 hour CA CLE).  Topics covered include:

Negotiating SLA terms and specifications

The limit of liability and its many exceptions

Indemnification — what matters and what doesn’t

Privacy terms 

And more …

More Live Webinars Coming Up …

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CLE. Tech Contracts Academy’s webinars and Tech Contracts Master Classesare approved for Continuing Legal Education credit in California.  Check our website’s Training page for more information about CLE.

Our presenter. David Tollen founded Tech Contracts Academy® LLCAn attorney, instructor at U.C. Berkeley Law School, and expert witness, he authored the American Bar Association’s perennial bestseller, The Tech Contracts Handbook (ABA Publishing; 3rd ed. 2021). It is available from Amazon here, and other retailers.

Tech Contracts Academy® is a professional training company, created to bring confidence and expertise to professionals responsible for technology contracts. It provides public and in-house training on drafting and negotiating IT agreements. E-mail [email protected] for more information about training for just your team.

Our programs provide general education, not legal advice. This communication is not, and our programs are not, advertising to provide legal services.

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