Time to Get Back to School – with Tech Contracts Academy®

This fall is the time to expand your information technology contracting expertise. Don’t wait! Join us.

Tech Contracts Academy® distance learning opportunities include Tech Contracts Master Classes (a 7 ½ hour program covering all clauses typically found in IT contracts, in four classes), one hour+ topical webinars, and customizable in-house trainings (for groups, ranging from two hours to several days). All are for lawyers and businesspeople.

The first Master Class (Prime Clauses) will address: The contract drafter’s job; IP in IT contracts; types of tech deals; the prime clause; on-premise software license; subscription for SaaS and other cloud services; promise of professional services; software ownership transfers; combination agreements; promise of payment (including go-live and other timing issues, revenue recognition). For topics covered in other classes, please see their registration forms below.



Our presenter: David Tollen founded Tech Contracts Academy® LLC, which provides in-house and public training on drafting and negotiating IT agreements. David is an attorney, instructor at U.C. Berkeley Law School, expert witness, and author of the American Bar Association’s bestseller (our recommended reading), The Tech Contracts Handbook: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople (ABA Publishing; 3rd ed. 2021) – available from Amazon here, and from other retailers. We welcome your reviews.


Tech Contracts Master Classes

10% discount when you enroll in all four Master Classes in a Session. Enroll here for the First Series (any or all) (October 5, 12, 19, 26). Enroll here for the Second Series (any or all) (November 3, 10, 17, December 1).

10/05/2021 & 11/03/2021 Prime Clauses, Tech Contracts Master Class: License, Subscription, IP Transfer, Payment. $395. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., including live Q&A.

10/12/2021 & 11/10/2021 General Clauses, Tech Contracts Master Class: Data Management, SLAs, Confidentiality, and other General Clauses. $395. 10 a.m.- 12 p.m., including live Q&A.

10/19/2021 & 11/17/2021 Key Liability Terms, Tech Contracts Master Class: Including Indemnities, Warranties, and Limits of Liability. $375. 10 – 11:45 a.m., including live Q&A.

10/26/2021 & 12/01/2021 End-Game and Special Clauses, Tech Contracts Master Class: Disputes, Termination, Special Terms, and OSS. $395. 10 a.m. – 12 p.m., including live Q&A.


9/14/2021 The Indeminar – Indemnities in IT Contracts. 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT + live Q&A afterward. $129 (20% discount for groups of 5 or more). Register (and more information) here.

10/20/2021 Key Liability Terms in IT Contracts. 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT + live Q&A afterward. $129 (20% discount for groups of 5 or more). Register (and more information) here.

In-House Trainings

See here for offerings. Contact [email protected] with questions. Pricing upon request.

CLE: See here for more information about CLE credit. If we’ve not yet reached your jurisdiction for the program you are interested in, consider if you may be able to seek credit via reciprocity. 

Please follow Tech Contracts Academy® LLC on LinkedIn here.

All programs include live Q&A (based on written questions); some may contain pre-recorded or partially pre-recorded instruction. All times shown are Pacific Time (PDT or PST, as applicable).

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