Continuing Legal Education Credit for
Tech Contracts Academy Programs

2024-2025 CLE

Last updated: January 15, 2025

Continuing Legal Education Credit (CLE): Tech Contracts Academy is an approved CLE provider in California.

In 2024-2025, California CLE is available for the following Tech Contracts Academy programs: 

  1. Tech Contracts Master Classes™ (public) CA CLE* (see sales/registration pages for details including length).
  2. Tech Contracts Academy Focused Topics programs (public) CA CLE* (see sales/registration pages for details including length).


  • Tech Contracts Academy programs’ CA CLE is for general credit, unless subfield credit is specifically identified on a  course’s sales page (e.g., 1 hour Technology in the Practice of Law CA subfield credit for the May 22, 2025 Focused Topic webinar, The Best AI and Other Software for Contract Drafting).
  • CA credit for attending live programs is “participatory”; credit for watching recordings (including all programs in our Tech Contracts Academy On-Demand library) is “self-study”.
  • For our record-keeping, notably so we can timely report participatory attendance to the CA Bar, we ask CA attorneys intending to make use of CA CLE to provide us their CA Bar numbers. Students remain responsible for their CLE record-keeping (e.g., tracking whether they attended live or watched a recording, affirming completion) and their compliance with all Bar reporting requirements.
  • Among other supporting materials, we provide CA-styled attendance certificates, evaluation forms, and (for live courses) attendance verification codes.
  • Where David Tollen participates in programs arranged by (or collaboratively with) entities other than Tech Contracts Academy, check with those other entities to determine if they arranged for CLE. Tech Contracts Academy is not responsible for CLE for such programs (unless noted otherwise in registration materials).
  • In-House Trainings: Contact [email protected] to discuss potential CA CLE for private trainings. (If offered, additional fees may be required.)

Licensed outside California? Jurisdictions (and professions) differ as to whether students may seek credit via reciprocity/comity, apply for credit on their own, and if so what is required (including fees). We make resources available meant to support students’ self-submission/reciprocity efforts with their jurisdictions’ governing body(ies). We provide certificates of attendance, the program slides, and (for live courses) attendance verification codes. And our presenter’s biography is available on our website. Students are responsible for any self-submission efforts (and fees). (Sadly, self-submission credit is not guaranteed.)

Looking for information about CLE for programs prior to 2024? Contact [email protected].

Still have CLE questions? Feel free to reach out to [email protected].