FREE LinkedIn Live with David Tollen THIS WEEK

This Thursday, March 30, join David Tollen’s LinkedIn Live conversation about the 4 misunderstood types of tech deals: on-premise software, IT professional services, SaaS and other cloud services, and non-tech offerings delivered through IT. It aims to clear away confusion and flag issues unique to each type of deal.

This free session is a great lead-up to Tech Contracts Academy trainings this spring – a webinar on indemnities next week on April 4th and our spring Master Class series which starts April 18th.

LinkedIn Live – March 30, 10 -10:30 AM PT. (Unavailable then? Check LinkedIn for access to recording afterward).

Free Live Session: The Misunderstood 4 Types of Tech Deals – & the Terms they Need.  

Contract-drafters regularly misunderstand IT products and services, leading to terrible contracts.

Tech contracts involve (1) on-premise software, (2) IT professional services, (3) SaaS and other cloud services, and/or (4) non-tech offerings delivered through IT. Common misunderstandings grow out of categories 3 and 4 … and spread. Even experienced staff mistake SaaS and other cloud services for on-premise software or professional services. Or they mistake category 4 (e.g., DaaS, LinkedIn, eBay) for the other three.

That leads to contracts riddled with errors. We will discuss issues and terms unique to each type of deal, and help you navigate the confusion.

Our speaker is David W. Tollen, author of The Tech Contracts Handbook, expert witness, U.C. Berkeley Law lecturer, and founder of Tech Contracts Academy.

Sign up here. We hope you will join us.

Spring Trainings – Webinar, Master Classes

April 4 Webinar: Indemnities in Technology and Other Commercial Contracts will demystify this often misunderstood, heavily negotiated topic. This 1.5 hour webinar addresses indemnities against third-party claims. We’ll focus on IT contracts, but also cover issues and indemnities common to most commercial contracts.

Spring Master Class Series: These four online Tech Contracts Master Classes, two hours each, will prepare you to negotiate contracts about software and cloud services with more confidence, more efficiently, and help you avoid common pitfalls. The program suits lawyers and businesspeople, including contract managers, procurement officers, executives, and IT professionals.

CLE is available in California for Tech Contacts Academy’s April 4 Indemnities webinar, and April/May Tech Contracts Master Classes.

Discounts are available for teams of 5 or more: 15% for webinars, 10% for the Master Class series.

Image of Master Class sign up button
Image of Webinar sign up button

Please follow us on LinkedIn, and be among the first to know about our programs, including free LinkedIn Live conversations. 

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CLE. Tech Contracts Master Classes™ and the Indemnities in Technology & Other Commercial Contracts webinar are approved for Continuing Legal Education credit in California. Licensed elsewhere? Jurisdictions (and professions) differ as to whether students may apply individually for continuing education credit, and what is required. Materials we make available (e.g., slides, presenter’s biography) may assist students’ self-submission efforts. Check here for more details about CLE. 

Our presenter. David Tollen founded Tech Contracts Academy® LLCAn attorney, instructor at U.C. Berkeley Law School, and expert witness, he authored the American Bar Association’s perennial bestseller, The Tech Contracts Handbook (ABA Publishing; 3rd ed. 2021). It is available from Amazon here, and other retailers.

Tech Contracts Academy® is a professional training company, created to bring confidence and expertise to professionals responsible for technology contracts. It provides public and in-house training on drafting and negotiating IT agreements. Contact us here or email [email protected] for more information about training for just your team.

Our programs provide general education, not legal advice. This communication is not, and our programs are not, advertising to provide legal services. Only one discount code may be used per registration.

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