Don’t redline a redline. Talk!
This week’s musings on tech contracts… You’re negotiating a contract, and you send your company’s standard form agreement. The other party then marks it up — redlines it — and sends it back. What should you do now? Your instinct may be to accept some changes and reject others and possibly write up a few […]
Don’t redline a redline. Talk!
By David W. Tollen You’re negotiating a contract, and you send your company’s standard form agreement. The other party then marks it up — “redlines” it — and sends it back. What should you do now? Your instinct may be to accept some changes and reject others, and maybe write up a few compromise terms. […]
The Contract Negotiator’s #1 Tool: MS Word Redlining
This post departs from our usual discussion of contract terms and talks about redlining and redlining software. A redline (sometimes called a “blackline”) provides a quick and easy view of the differences between a new contract draft and an old one. Usually, redlining software underlines added terms and strikes through (crosses out) deleted terms, but […]