Should the Limit of Liability Cover Indemnities?

This week’s musings on tech contracts… Contracting parties often debate whether the limit of liability should apply to indemnity obligations. IT contracts probably answer “no” more often than “yes.” But you can support either answer with good arguments. The Argument AGAINST Limiting Indemnity Liability The indemnity is unusual. It seems to address liability, but it […]

New AI Contracts Training Available On-Demand

David Tollen’s Tech Contracts Academy just released a new, updated version of our popular training: AI Contracts – Drafting and Negotiating. With 1 year’s access, you can use it for training and as a reference.

The Tech Contracts Master Class™ Now Available On-Demand

We’re excited to announce that our popular Tech Contracts Master Class™ is now available as a recorded resource – in our On-Demand library . You get one year’s access, so you can use the program both for training and as a reference guide for future projects. And for a short time, you can buy the Master […]

Second Edition of The Tech Contracts Handbook

I’m very pleased to announce that the American Bar Association has published the second edition of my book: The Tech Contracts Handbook — Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople. The book is available directly from the ABA’s online bookstore. (You don’t need ABA membership to buy.) Amazon and […]