In case of conflict with the main body of this Agreement, a Statement of Work or Addendum will govern, but only with respect to the subject matter of such Statement of Work or Addendum.
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In case of conflict with an attachment to this Agreement, this main body of this Agreement will govern. No Order or other attachment to this Agreement, including without limitation those executed after this main body of this Agreement, will be construed to amend this main body unless it specifically states its intent to “amend” this Agreement, under a clause or section entitle “Amendment,” and cites the section or sections amended. Such an amendment executed through an Order will operate only with respect to the subject matter of such Order.
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In case of a conflict among the attachments to this Agreement and this main body, the following order of precedence will govern, with lower numbers governing over higher ones: (1) this main body of this Agreement; (2) Attachment __; (3) Attachment __; and (4) any Statement of Work, with more recent Statements of Work taking precedence over later ones. No Statement of Work or other attachment incorporated into this Agreement, including without limitation those executed after this main body, will be construed to amend this main body or any earlier attachment.