Provider does not warrant that the Software will perform without error or that it will run without immaterial interruption. Provider gives no warranty regarding, and will have no responsibility or liability for, any loss arising out of: (a) a modification of the Software made by anyone other than Provider, unless Provider approves such modification in writing; or (b) use of the Software in combination with any operating system not authorized in the Documentation or with hardware or software the Documentation describes as unsuitable (or words to the effect).
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Customer recognizes and agrees that hosting data online involves risks of unauthorized disclosure or exposure and that, in accessing and using the System, Customer assumes such risks. Provider offers no representation, warranty, or guarantee that Customer Data will not be exposed or disclosed through errors or the actions of third parties. Provider will have no responsibility or liability for the accuracy of data uploaded to the System by Customer, including without limitation Customer Data and any other data uploaded by Customer’s users.
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Provider shall: (a) pass through to Customer any warranty right it receives from a third party provider of SaaS components not authored or manufactured by Provider (“Third Party Components”); and (b) reasonably cooperate with Customer in enforcing such rights, at Customer’s expense. PROVIDER PROVIDES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIRD PARTY COMPONENTS, AND PROVIDER WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY FAILURE OF ANY THIRD PARTY COMPONENT TO FUNCTION AS EXPECTED OR INTENDED.