Artificial Intelligence Contracts: An Issue-Spotter – Part 1 of 3
Contracts about artificial intelligence raise most of the same issues as other software agreements. But they raise unique issues too, particularly when they involve generative AI (like ChatGPT) and other forms of machine learning. This is the first of three posts describing those issues. This series provides an issue-spotter for lawyers, contract managers, and other contract-drafters. […]
FREE AI Webinar from David Tollen
David Tollen is joining Parley Pro to host a free webinar, Our Future Jobs: AI and Other 21st Century Contracting Tools. Presented via Zoom on May 3rd at 10 AM PT. This session will explore the likely impact of new technologies, such as ChatGPT, on contract-drafters. We hope you will join us. (Contact ParleyPro for […]
Starting Soon: Spring Master Class Series & Complimentary AI Webinar
Our spring Tech Contracts Master Class series starts April 18th and runs weekly on Tuesdays through May 16th (with a by-week on May 2nd). Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your tech contracting skills (and resume), with industry expert David Tollen. And, are you worried that tools like ChatGPT threaten our careers? Wondering […]